2024 Hartford Area Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
A Shared Call for Nuclear Weapon Abolition
The USA, Russia and China upgrade their nuclear arsenal and more countries develop nuclear weapons, it is time to say STOP THIS MADness. Join us as we Hope Out Loud for the abolition of nuclear weapons and a nuclear free world.
Promoting a vision of a nuclear-free world
6:30 – 9:00 PM, Friday, August 9th
Friends (Quaker) Meeting House (backyard)
144 South Quaker Lane, West Hartford, CT
(NOTE: easiest access to the ‘backyard’ is the
Quaker Lane Cooperative Nursery School walkway
between 142 and 151 Maplewood Avenue)
5:30 pm – Pot Luck Dinner and time to talk
7:00 pm – Program with Music, Speakers and Spoken Word
8:30 pm – Candle-Lighting Ceremony featuring creation of a large candlelit peace sign
Download a Full Page Flyer, click => here
Download a 4-up flyer, click => here(front) and here(back)
For more information: (860) 523-4823 or ericstamm@aol.com
Sponsored by:
Back from the Brink CT, Hope Out Loud, UN Association of CT, and
We Are One, Inc.

New York City: 5/20 – 5/26
Port Jefferson, NY: 5/26 – 5/29
Norwalk/Bridgeport, CT: 5/29 – 6/2
New Haven, CT: 6/2 – 6/5
Hartford, CT (Middletown 6/8 10 am – 12 pm): 6/5 – 6/8
Groton/New London, CT (5-6 pm arrival): 6/8 – 6/11
Rhode Island
Providence, RI: 6/11 – 6/13Follow the minute-to-minute happenings of the Golden Rule on Facebook
State of Connecticut CitationIN RECOGNITION OF: Your outstanding commitment to peaceful advocacy and activism. As an inspiring symbol of an international movement for peace and sustainability you have impacted generations of peacemakers and set the foundation for a better future. I commend the work that you do and wish you the best of luck on your voyage! Alex Dahlem, Executive Assistant & Constituent Engagement Coordinator, on behalf of: |
Veterans for Peace’s Golden Rule 2022-2023 Great Loop
To support the Golden Rule Great Loop and their message of, Sailing for a Nuclear Free World and a Peaceful, Sustainable Future we will be “passing the hat” and advocating for your support. |
Connecticut Activities supporting the VFP Golden Rule Project
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Haven Schedule Friday, June 2, School Classroom Forums Saturday, June 3, 1:00 pm, Presentation and tour of Peace Trees, Sunday, June 4: 10:00 am-2:00 pm, Presentation Sunday, June 4: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, City Proclamation, Public ship visits Monday, June 5, TBD, School Classroom Forums ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Central Connecticut Schedule Tuesday, June 6, 2023 • Tuesday, 3:00 pm: Press Conference in front of Hartford City Hall. • Tuesday, 6:00 pm: Potluck Dinner, Unitarian Society of Hartford, 50 Bloomfield Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105. Enjoy musician Hugh Blumenfeld followed by film “Making Waves,” and presentation by Golden Rule crew. Wednesday, June 7, 2023 • Wednesday, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Silent Vigil for a nuclear weapons free world, peace and non-violence, Old State House plaza, Hartford. • Wednesday, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Lunch with Middletown Mayor and Supporters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Update: Latest New London Flyer => New_London_Flyer Friday, June 9 Charlie King Live to Promote the Visit of the Golden Rule, the World’s First Protest Ship, Which Sails Against Nuclear Weapons Daytime Sails on the Golden Rule 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM from New London City PierMeet the crew and sail on the river! (Sign-ups available soon) Evening Concert with Charlie King 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM (doors at 6:45 PM) at St. James Episcopal Church Hall,76 Federal St., New London; View historic exhibits on the Golden Rule’s connection to the Committee for Nonviolent Action, and War Resisters League; listen to the experiences and current mission of the crew members; and enjoy Charlie King’s unique brand of folk music and political satire. Donations welcome for the concert. The historic exhibits and crew speakers will be available on Saturday night, too. Saturday, June 10 Joyce Katzberg Liveat a Daytime Rally with Songs & Speakers to Stand with the Golden Rule Against Nuclear Weapons Rally with Songs & Speakers2:00 PM – 5:00 PM on New London City Pier Watch or participate in a “Peace Regatta” on the river, paint a peace symbol tile and learn its history (for all ages), enjoy live music from Joyce Katzberg and other artists (TBA), and more activities. Potluck Dinner 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at St. James Episcopal Church Hall Bring a dish and break bread with the crew! Evening Gathering with Songs, Speakers, and a Short Film 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at St. James Episcopal Church Hall Join us for an evening of speakers from the Golden Rule and local activists, live music, a short film on nuclear weapons, and historic exhibits on the Golden Rule, the Committee for Nonviolent Action, and War Resisters League. |
Learn the story of this historic ship at bit.ly/wn-goldenReceive updates to our weekend schedule and RSVP at bit.ly/vptgoldenRain location for activities at City Pier will be St. James Episcopal ChurchWe will be accepting donations on both nightsOrganized by the CT Committee for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Hartford Catholic Worker, St. Francis House, Voluntown Peace Trust, War Resisters League — contact us at nuclearbanct@gmail.com |
Press interviews encouraged!
Download a Press Release
Hartford / Central Connecticut Press Release
Download a flyer
Hartford / Central Connecticut – Full Page
Hartford / Central Connecticut -Half Page
Download a Public Service Announcement
Download the 29 second PSA
Download the 59 second PSA
Download a Resolution of Support
Hartford Resolution – Approved by Hartford City Council
Storrs Friends Meeting Minute of Support_of_the Golden_Rule_Project
Hartford Monthly Meeting Minute of Support_of_the_Golden_Rule_Project
May 26th 2023
June 30th 2023
July 28th 2023
August 25th 2023
September 29th 2023
the ‘last Fridays of the month’ through September
Hartford Friends (Quaker) Meeting Backyard
West Hartford
Easiest entrance is the Nursery School path
between 143 and 151 Maplewood Avenue.
Good acoustic music, poetry, and spoken word – Good company.
Free speech encouraged.
Open Mic 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Everyone is welcome
For more information or special accommodation:
860-523-4823 or ericstamm@aol.com

2022 Hartford Area Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
The USA upgrades its nuclear arsenal as more countries develop nuclear weapons. Say STOP THIS MADNESS and join us for this annual observation in a shared call for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Promoting a vision of a nuclear-free world
6:30 – 9:00 PM, Saturday, August 6th
Friends (Quaker) Meeting House
144 South Quaker Lane, West Hartford
Supporting Veteran’s for Peace’s Golden Rule 2022-2023 Great Loop
To support the Golden Rule Great Loop and their message of A World Without Nuclear Weapons we will be “passing the hat” and advocating for your support. |
Easiest entrance is the Nursery School walkway
between 143 and 151 Maplewood Avenue, West Hartford
Rain or Shine: if it rains we move inside
same place, same time
Sponsored by:
CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition
Hope Out Loud
No Nukes/No War
United Nations Association of Connecticut
Veterans for Peace (CT Chapter 42)
Campaign Non Violence- Central Connecticut Chapter and
The Greater New Haven Peace Council
For more information, click => here
For a flyer for Hartford, click => here
Visit us on => Facebook
For more information:
(860) 561-1897
July 30th and August 27th 2022
Hartford Friends Meeting Backyard
West Hartford
Easiest entrance is the Nursery School path
between 143 and 151 Maplewood Avenue.
While being outdoors reduces COVID transmission risk we ask that risk reduction behaviors be practiced and that those who are not fully vaccinated wear a mask.
Good acoustic music, poetry, and spoken word – Good company.
Free speech encouraged.
Open Mike 6:30 to 9:00 PM
Everyone is welcome
For more information or special accommodation:
860-523-4823 or ericstamm@aol.com
2022 New Haven Remembrance
Silent Vigil for Hiroshima Silent Vigil for Nagasaki Please join us to share poems For More Info: Web Site: Greater New Haven Peace Council or Greater New Haven Peace Council or For a Flyer, click => here |
Returns for 2022
First Night of the 2022 Season
Friday April 29th
Hartford Friends Meeting Backyard
West Hartford
Easiest entrance is the Nursery School path
between 143 and 151 Maplewood Avenue.
While being outdoors reduces COVID transmission risk we ask that risk reduction behaviors be practiced.
Good music, poetry, and spoken word
Good company.
Free speech encouraged.
Open Mike 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Everyone is welcome
For more information or special accommodation:
860-523-4823 or ericstamm@aol.com
For the 2022 Flyer, click => here
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2021 Hartford Area Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
The USA upgrades its nuclear arsenal as more countries develop nuclear weapons. Say STOP THIS MADNESS and join us for this annual observation in a shared call for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Promoting a vision of a nuclear-free world
7:00 – 9:00 PM, Friday, August 6th
Friends (Quaker) Meeting House
144 South Quaker Lane, West Hartford
Easiest entrance is the Nursery School walkway
between 143 and 151 Maplewood Avenue, West Hartford
Rain or Shine: if it rains we move inside
same place, same time
Sponsored by:
CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition
Hope Out Loud
No Nukes/No War
United Nations Association of Connecticut
Veterans for Peace (CT Chapter 42)
Campaign Non Violence- Central Connecticut Chapter and
The Greater New Haven Peace Council
For more information, click => here
For a flyer for Hartford, click => here
Visit us on => Facebook
For more information:
(860) 561-1897
July 30th and August 27th 2021
Hartford Friends Meeting Backyard
West Hartford
Easiest entrance is the Nursery School path
between 143 and 151 Maplewood Avenue.
While being outdoors reduces COVID transmission risk we ask that risk reduction behaviors be practiced and that those who are not fully vaccinated wear a mask.
Good acoustic music, poetry, and spoken word – Good company.
Free speech encouraged.
Open Mike 6:30 to 9:00 PM
Everyone is welcome
For more information or special accommodation:
860-523-4823 or ericstamm@aol.com
Moving Connecticut’s Economy from War to Peace:
Practical, Public Actions
Saturday, January 9, 2021 1:00 to 3:00 PM Eastern
A Free Zoom Conference
Register here: Registration link
Watch on YouTube
Connecticut’s cities and town’s are gasping for breath. Families don’t have food, are losing housing, lack health care. Covid-19 has made things worse. Water and sewage systems, streets and sidewalks, parks cannot be maintained. Are the only solutions to tax more, borrow, lay off, suspend pension payments? Cutting Connecticut‘s annual IRS War Tax (estimated at $15.7 Billion/yr) by half would provide 35 thousand INFRASTRUCTURE JOBS for 4 years.
Fund Human Needs, Not Killing Machines
Not building 1 F-35 nuclear bomber would provide FOOD for over 21,000 3-person families for 1 year.
Not building 1 modern nuclear-missile sub would provide HOUSING for over 29,000 families for 1 year.
Not funding the new Space Force for 2021 would provide 2.2 million families with MEDICAL CARE for 1 year.
Cutting Connecticut‘s annual IRS War Tax by half would provide 35 thousand INFRASTRUCTURE JOBS for 4 years
- Richard Wolff, Keynote; Professor of Economics, emeritus, Founder Democracy at Work; author: The Sickness is the System, When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself
- Danny Sjursen, Moderator; U.S. Army Major, retired, Senior Fellow, Center for International Policy; contributing editor at Antiwar.com
- Ben Florsheim, Mayor, Middletown, CT; Elected 2019 Youngest Mayor in City History; former aide CT Senator Chris Murphy
- Adrian Huq, Co-founder New Haven Climate Movement’s Youth Action Team; 2020 Graduate New Haven Schools; Volunteer, New Haven Peace Commission
- Joe Jamison, Coordinator, Move the Money To Human Needs Coalition; Former Research Director, New York State Labor Council
Sponsored by:
Connecticut Peace & Solidarity Coalition, Veterans For Peace 42 CT, Greater New Haven Peace Council, Hope Out Loud
For more information contact:
Steve Krevisky: skrevisky@mxcc.commnet.edu
Moving Money from the Military to Meet Human Needs
Demanding Candidates Confront the $741 Billion U.S. Military Budget
Watch on YouTube
SEPTEMBER 21, 2020
7:30 – 9:00 PM Eastern U.S.
Registration: https://tinyurl.com/y3un85rg
For a Promotional Flyer, click => here
![]() Dr. Vijay Prashad |
![]() Dr. Gerald Horne |
![]() Dr. Miriam Pemberton |
For more information, Contact:
Steve Krevisky 860-759-3699, SKrevisky@mxcc.commnet.edu
Sponsor: Connecticut Peace & Solidarity Coalition
Co-sponsors: HopeOutLoud, Greater New Haven Peace Council, World Beyond War
August 6, 2020
75th Anniversary of the start of the nuclear age
Join the annual Hartford area Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance
A Shared Call for Nuclear Weapon Abolition
A 2020 Peace-Wave Event
Thousands of nuclear weapons kept on hair trigger alert are targeting civilian populations. Rather than moving to eliminate this threat, a new nuclear arms race has begun and the number of nuclear armed nations threatens to rise.
Seventy-five years later – do you feel more secure?
Due to personal safety concerns from the Covid-19 pandemic
The 2020 Remembrance will be a multimedia Zoom event
“Zoom-in” and join the call for the abolition of nuclear weapons
August 6th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm EST.
Watch on YouTube
The horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki cannot be allowed to happen again. Together let’s call for a nuclear free world.
Flyer: Hiroshima_Remembrance_flyer_2020.pdf
For more information – call (860) 561-1897 or visit NoNukes-NoWar.org
Sponsored by:
Hope Out Loud, No Nukes/No War, CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition, The U.N Association of CT, Veterans for Peace CT Chapter 42, Sunrise Connecticut
After the event, please join REV. JOHN DEAR and others for their
75th Anniversary Hiroshima Day
A One-Hour Online Commemoration
Calling for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
August 6, 2020, 8 p.m. Eastern
Watch on their YouTube Channel
Hosted by the
New Mexico 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima/Nagasaki Committee and
Pace e Bene
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2019 Hartford Area Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
A shared call for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Promoting a vision of a nuclear-free world
6:30 – 9:00 PM, Friday, August 9th
Friends (Quaker) Meeting House
144 South Quaker Lane, West Hartford
Door open at 6:00 pm
Sponsored by:
CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition
Hope Out Loud
No Nukes/No War
United Nations Association of Connecticut
For more information, click => here
For a flyer for Hartford, click => here
Visit us on => Facebook
For more information:
(860) 561-1897
2019 New Haven Remembrance
Silent Vigil for Hiroshima Silent Vigil for Nagasaki For More Info: Web Site: Greater New Haven Peace Council or Greater New Haven Peace Council |
Why is “Nuclear Winter” Our Government’s Preferred Solution to Global Warming?
There are clear strategies to dealing with the impact of global warming that can be implemented – such as renewable energy and efficiency.
Unfortunately, for the last three administrations (Bush, Obama and Trump) our government has embarked down the path of solving global warming with one final solution – nuclear winter.
Nuclear winter may create a world where global warming is stopped and reversed, but may not be the most satisfying solution for the human race.
The world is facing the most serious nuclear threats since the first half of the 1980’s. At that time President Ronald Reagan said: “a nuclear war cannot be won and must not be fought” and Reagan called for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.
The idea of nuclear winter, published and supported by prominent scientists, generated extensive public alarm and put political pressure on the United States and Soviet Union to reverse a runaway nuclear arms race, which, by 1986, had created a global nuclear arsenal of more than 65,000 nuclear weapons. However, this public pressure created a backlash among powerful military and industrial interests, who began an extensive media campaign to brand nuclear winter as “bad science” and the scientists who discovered it as “irresponsible.”
Thirty-five years later, the Trump administration is accelerating the $1.2 trillion nuclear weapons “modernization” program begun under President Obama. This program includes the complete refurbishment of existing nuclear warheads and the production of new designs; rebuilding the nuclear weapons production complex; and new missiles, subs and heavy bombers.
Withdrawal from the INF Treaty
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty signed by President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 defused a rapidly escalating Cold War crisis over the two countries’ growing deployments of land-based, nuclear-capable missiles in Europe, with the U.S. stationing missiles in countries including then-West Germany, and the USSR deploying them within its own borders.
Then, because their flight times could be as short as 10 minutes, the missiles were considered a possible hair-trigger for nuclear war.
Now that NATO has moved its weapons to the Russian borders, the risk of a miscommunication is exponentially greater – leading ending global warming by triggering nuclear winter and massive depopulation.
Actions to Take
Do you support Nuclear Winter Our Government’s Preferred Solution to Global Warming?
If you want a different solution to global warming, demand Congress shift resource away from the Nuclear Winter path to a different path such as renewable energy. Begin by calling your members of Congress at the Capitol Switchboard, (202) 224 3121, and telling them you support:
HR 1086/ S 401: Hold the LYNE act (No Low-Yield Nuclear Warheads)
HR 669/ S 200: Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2019
Consequences of Militarization
It is imperative that we understand, as Martin Luther King did over 50 years ago, that the poverty in our own communities is directly related to the vast treasures spent on war every year. The Pentagon’s budget for 2019 is $716 billion, 61% of federal discretionary spending. We must understand, as King did, that equality, security, civil rights are impossible to attain in a militarized society.
At home, education, health care, preschool, public transportation, infrastructure, pensions, and more – all suffer from lack of funds. Even though the resources exist in this, the richest country in history. They ain re headed to make war.
Connecticut Peace and Solidarity Coalition in the March 30 “No to NATO” rally Washington D.C.
Connecticut Peace and Solidarity Coalition in Washington D.C. march
World Peace Council holds it first event on U.S. Soil in its 70 years of existence
Transportation to Washington DC and return (was available).
Van transportation to Washington D.C. and return for this National Mobilization. Anticipated locations for getting on the van are: Storrs, Hartford and New Haven. Subsidized round-trip ticketsare $10.00 on Eventbrite
Visit our transportation link at EventBrite
If you prefer to pay by check: Make payment of $10 to Greater New Haven Peace Council and mail to Greater New Haven Peace Council, PO Box 3105, New Haven, CT 06515 in time to arrive by March 23. If a check is received after that date, we can’t guarantee a bus seat.
Connecticut Pick-up locations:
Storrs: (3 AM Saturday Morning) Main Commuter Parking lot across from parking garage (“X” lot)
East Hartford: (4 AM Saturday Morning) 500 Main St, East Hartford, CT 06118 (East Hartford Park and Ride — just east of Charter Oak Bridge on Route 15)
New Haven: (5 AM Saturday Morning )LongWharf is called Food Terminal Plaza. This is more or less 200 to 222 Sargent Drive, New Haven, CT 06511. There is a Mobil Gas station on one side of the entrance and a La Quinta Inn on the other.
If paying the full cost of the bus seat is a hardship, please contact one of the trip organizers, Henry, @ 203-389-9547. We want to make sure that you can join us if at all possible.
National Mobilization to Oppose
NATO, War, and Racism
- “Security through Peace,” an anti-militarism, pro-people “handout” based on materials developed for the Women’s March on the Pentagon Women-I-Festo
- Letter inviting support for Connecticut and the National Mobilization in Washington.
- Flyers
Letter from the Connecticut Peace and Solidarity Coalition
Dear friends,
April 4, 2019, is the 51st anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Disrespectfully ignoring Dr. King’s lifelong dedication to peace, military leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have chosen to celebrate NATO’s 70th anniversary – on that very day – by holding its annual meeting in Washington, D.C. This is not only an insult to Dr. King but conveys NATO’s message that Black lives and indeed the lives of the vast majority really do not matter.
We are calling for a peaceful mass mobilization against this year’s NATO summit in Washington for Saturday, March 30. Additional actions will take place at the opening of the NATO meeting on April 4.
We invite you to add your, and/or your organization’s name to the list of supporters of the anti-NATO, antiwar and antiracism mass actions in Washington, D.C. against the NATO alliance and its celebration of war and militarism this spring. Because the NATO alliance, an extension of the Pentagon, is a relic of the Cold War that does not have a legitimate purpose, it is especially dangerous. This is because in order to justify its existence, NATO must find new enemies – and if NATO can’t find any, then NATO must conjure-up new enemies. The recent coup attempt in Venezuela was undoubtedly facilitated by its neighbor, Colombia – NATO’s newest “Global Partner.” We also object to NATO’s dangerous build-up, right on the borders of Russia, along with NATO’s past aggressive wars in the Middle East, Yugoslavia, and other places.
It is imperative that we understand, as Martin Luther King did over 50 years ago, that the poverty in our own communities is directly related to the vast treasures spent on war every year. The Pentagon’s budget for 2019 is $716 billion, 61% of federal discretionary spending.
We must understand, as King did, that equality, security, civil rights are impossible to attain in a militarized society.
At home, education, health care, preschool, public transportation, infrastructure, pensions, and more – all suffer from lack of funds. Even though the resources exist in this, the richest country in history, they are headed to make war. We must redirect those resources to peaceful needs. The level of inequality in the US is by far the highest of any developed country, as well.
Abroad and at home, women and children bear the brunt of war and war spending.
Globally, the environment suffers the damage of wars and actions of the world’s greatest single polluter – the Pentagon. The many wars waged to control fossil fuels and ensure that corporations make profits on burning them must be stopped if we are to halt and reverse the impact of global warming and build a sustainable energy economy.
Endorse as an individual at:
Have your Organization endorse at:
Contact us to help organize a Connecticut response to NATO and militarism at:
Connecticut Peace & Solidarity Coalition
From the National Organizers: A Call for National Mobilization to Oppose NATO, War, and Racism
April 4, 2019, will mark the 51st anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the internationally revered leader in struggles against racism, poverty and war.
And yet, in a grotesque desecration of Rev. King’s lifelong dedication to peace, this is the date that the military leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have chosen to celebrate NATO’s 70th anniversary by holding its annual summit meeting in Washington, D.C. This is a deliberate insult to Rev. King and a clear message that Black lives and the lives of non-European humanity, and indeed the lives of the vast majority, really do not matter.
Since its founding, the U.S.-led NATO has been the world’s deadliest military alliance, causing untold suffering and devastation throughout Northern Africa, the Middle East and beyond. Hundreds of thousands have died in U.S./NATO wars in Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Yugoslavia. Millions of refugees are now risking their lives trying to escape the carnage that these wars have brought to their homelands, while workers in the 29 NATO member-countries are told they must abandon hard-won social programs in order to meet U.S. demands for even more military spending.
Dr. King’s words linking the three evils of American society: Militarism, Racism and Poverty, and his deeply profound remark that every bomb that falls on other countries is a bomb dropped on our inner cities, reveal the deep-rooted relationship between militarism and the social, racial, economic and environmental injustices that now impoverish whole cities and rural communities and have plagued our society and the world for a long time. It was exactly one year before he was murdered that Rev. King gave his famous speech opposing the U.S. war in Vietnam, calling the U.S. government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world” and declaring that he could not be silent.
We cannot be silent either. As Rev. King taught us, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Every year NATO has held its summits, people around the world have organized massive protests against it: in Chicago (2012), Wales (2014), Warsaw (2016), Brussels (2017 & 2018) — and 2019 will be no exception.
We are calling for a peaceful mass mobilization against this year’s NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, March 30. Additional actions will take place at the opening of the NATO meeting on April 4.
We ask you to make every effort to join with us in Washington DC, or, if not possible, organize a rally or demonstration in your area. We need to show, in the strongest possible way, our opposition to NATO’s destructive wars and its racist military policies around the world.
We also invite you to add your, and/or your organization’s name to the list of supporters of the anti-NATO, Anti-War and Anti-Racism mass actions in Washington DC.
National Organizing Committee: http://no2nato2019.org/
Military Keynesianism:
The Peril that Eisenhower Warned us Against
Presented at the November 10, 2018 Peace Conference Organized by the Connecticut Peace and Solidarity Coalition
Confronting the Empire’s War Agenda – The Struggle for Peace and Social Justice
Featured Speakers:
- Ajamu Baraka, member of the US Peace Council Executive Committee and National Coordinator of Black Alliance for Peace, and
- Maurice Carney, Co-founder and Executive Director of the Friends of the Congo
Free. Public invited.
Download a flyer => here.
Greater New Haven Peace Council; Yale Democratic Socialists of America; Black Alliance for Peace; Popular Resistance; International Action Center; United Antiwar Coalition; Connecticut Peace & Solidarity Coalition; Queens (NY) Peace Council; Veterans for Peace, Chapter 34, NYC; New Jersey Peace Council; New Jersey Peace Action; Veterans for Peace, Chapter 21, NJ; Green Party of New Jersey; New Jersey Revolution Radio; Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League
Date and Time:
Friday, March 1, 2019
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST
First and Summerfield United Methodist Church
425 College Street
Corner Elm St.
New Haven, CT 06511
US Hands off Venezuela Rally
Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 12 PM – 2 PM
Federal Building, 450 Main St, Hartford, CT
Hartford Facebook Event
New Haven
Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 12 PM – 1 PM
New Haven Green, at Church St and Elm (across from Courthouse)
US Hands Off Venezuela!
We cannot be silent in the face of the latest U.S. aggression against the Venezuelan people. We cannot sit idle while the Administration in Washington pushes for another resource war and uses sanctions to create a massive humanitarian crisis. History tells us that a US-backed coup will do little to improve the conditions for working people in Venezuela. Only the Venezuelan people should decide who rules. Self-determination for Venezuela.
In addition, Washington’s desire to increase US corporate control of Venezuela’s oil reserves can only hasten climate warming, a catastrophe that, in turn, threatens human life on the planet.
Just as the powers in Washington were willing to lie to get us to go to war in Iraq so to are they willing to lie and manipulate the American people into supporting another unjust and immoral war. We cannot let ourselves be fooled again. Join us to show those in power that the American people are done with America’s interventionist policy around the world.
We say No more war
US hands off Venezuela
We must come together to oppose US intervention.
Speakers include
Mitch Linck – Antiwar veteran – Member of Socialist Action
Melissa – International Women’s Strike
Joe Hutch – Unite here 217
Ben Martin – 350 CT
Kyle Spalding – QC DSA
Ruwan – Uconn Ysa
Peter Goselin – 2018 Green party candidate for attorney general
If you would like to be added to the speakers list please email Mitch.linck@gmail.com
November 2018 Conference:
Why We Need Peace to Survive
Developing a Connecticut Strategy
Fund Peace, Not Wars: The United States is the richest country in the world. Yet over $717 billion tax dollars – 61%!! of our Federal Discretionary Budget – go to war. Connecticut is under water. Our cities are under water. How do we make sure our schools have everything they need so students can learn, so we all have affordable health care and housing, our air is clean to breathe, our water is safe to drink, we and our neighbors have good jobs and our country invests in clean, green energy?
Half-day Conference for jobs, peace, healthcare and education, social justice, economic equity and environmental sustainability.
Saturday, November 10th (10 to 3 pm, lunch provided)
Chapman Hall Room 808
Middlesex Community College
100 Training Hill Road, Middletown, CT
Featured Speakers:
For a flyer, click => here
After the results of the 2018 Congressional election cycle are tallied, the issue of developing a strategy for a peace agenda to move our state and our country forward will be discussed. Join us on Saturday, November 10th to discuss the challenges, Hear about how US / NATO militarism is changing the African continent with a case study on the Congo. This will be followed by an overview of the human cost of war with a case study of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The reasons for support of US militarism will be discussed in the context of “Military Keynesianism – the Concept President Dwight Eisenhower Warned Us Against.” This will be followed by a panel “Engaging the Public: Panel on Media, Social Media and Outreach” as we develop a Connecticut strategy.
New priorities are needed now:
- Attacks on Medicaid, Food Stamps and other programs for America’s most vulnerable
- Libraries closing in Hartford
- Devastating changes to environmental protections in the face of severe environmental events
- Localities faced with cuts education support and even bankruptcy
- Unfunded deteriorating infrastructure
- The return to ‘Law and Order’ mentality while militarizing law enforcement rather than improving the relationship of the police to their communities
- All these while increasing the huge amount of our resources to a war machine that long ago stopped serving national issues

60 Percent of Discretionary Spending is Military and Veterans
Visit the event on Facebook: Why We Need Peace to Survive; Developing a Connecticut Strategy
Sponsored by:
- Hope Out Loud
- Connecticut Coalition for Peace and Justice (CCPJ)
- No Nukes – No War
- Greater New Haven Peace Council
- Congress of CT Community Colleges (4C’s/SEIU)
- World Beyond War
Exhibit tables available:
If you advocate for a peace, justice or social issue, contact us about a literature / outreach table at the November Conference.
For more information:
For more information: contact – skrevisky@mxcc.commnet.edu
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2018 Hartford Area Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
A shared call for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Promoting a vision of a nuclear-free world
6:30 – 9:00 PM, Sunday, August 6th
Unitarian Society of Hartford
50 Bloomfield Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105
Door open at 6:00 pm
Sponsored by:
CT Coalition for Peace and Justice
Hope Out Loud
No Nukes/No War
Unitarian Society of Hartford
United Nations Association of Connecticut
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For a flyer for Hartford, click => here
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For more information:
(860) 561-1897
2018 Hiroshima / Nagasaki related peace events in New Haven
United Day of Action Against U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad
The United States’ policy of destructive endless wars and expensive military interventions has driven our country and the whole world into an increasingly dangerous crisis — politically, socially, economically and with catastrophic impact on the environment and health. To further deepen the crisis, the Defense Department’s new “2018 Defense Strategy” calls for a “more lethal, resilient, and rapidly innovating Joint Force … that will sustain American influence and ensure favorable balance of power” for the U.S. around the globe, and warns that the “costs of not implementing this strategy are … decreasing U.S. global influence … and reduced access to markets.” In line with this intensified militaristic policy, Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, announced recently that the U.S. military will stay in Syria indefinitely, that the U.S. is planning to partition Syria by creating a 30,000-strong pro-U.S. force on Syria’s northern territory (which has already led to a confrontation with Turkey), and that all units of the U.S. military are now going through military exercises in preparation for war!
People in the U.S. and around the world are under ever increasing attack. Our tax dollars are used for more war, to build walls and jails as the voices of racism, sexism, Islamophobia and homophobia get louder, while human needs are ignored.
This ever-increasing militarization of U.S. government policy at home and abroad calls for an urgent response by all of us.
The time is now to return to the streets as a united movement to make our anti-war and social justice voices heard. As you may know, the recent well-attended and broadly sponsored Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases adopted a resolution calling for united spring actions against U.S. wars at home and abroad. You can see the full text of the resolution on our web site: NoForeignBases.org. The Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases is proposing a united day of regional actions on the weekend of April 14 – 15. That weekend is right before Tax Day, Earth Day, and May Day, which gives us the ability to draw attention to the increase in military spending and the unpopular new tax bill, to point out that the U.S. military is the largest polluter in the world and address the growing deportation and vilification of immigrants, as well as violation of labor rights.
National Website:
For the National April 15, Spring Action website and other events nationwide, click => here
April 15, 2 P.M. rally at Herald Sq (34th & 6th) with a march to Trump tower.
Directions to 34 Street-Herald Sq Station served by subways B, D, F, M, N, Q, R W.
Facebook Spring Action Event Pages:
- Connecticut Coalition for Peace and Solidarity
- Spring Anti-War Action – Connecticut Northeast Corner
Round Trip on Metro North; New Haven to Grand Central and Return
Arrive inside Union Station, New Haven, at 10 AM. Give yourself time to find a parking spot. Group must travel together on single group ticket leaving from New Haven Union Station (With prior-arrangement, a space in the group can be picked up at West Haven train station (free parking). Train departs New Haven at 10:45 arriving NYC at 12:50. Those at West Haven will be picked up at 10:50 AM. We must return together from Grand Central on a train leaving Saturday at 7:04 PM. Note: when traveling in a group there are no individual Metro North tickets. We will identify you as a member of the group.
Ticket must be purchased at the Metro North station.
To make a donation, see the “Ticket Option” on the Eventbrite page => here
Downloadable Flyers:
- For a flyer for the New York City event (4 per page double sided – pdf), click => here
- Four flyers per page – jpg
- Two flyers per page – jpg
- For a flyer for the New York City event (2 per page double sided, print back-to-back – jpg), click => here
- Single vertical flyer – jpg
- For a flyer for the New York City event (single vertical – jpg), click => here
- Spring Anti-War Action – Connecticut Northeast Corner (full page), click => here
Donate to support the April 15, 2018 Spring Action
Donations made through this button are made to the Spring Action via the US Peace Council. Please feel free to add a note to the peace council when paying by PayPal.
Thank You for your support.
- The Spring Antiwar Actions of April 14 and 15
- United Day of Action Against U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad
Connecticut Joins the Call To Global Action Against Illegal U.S. Occupation Of Guantánamo
ACTIONS: February 23, 2018
- Noon – 1:00 PM: Rally at Abraham A. Ribicoff Federal Building, 450 Main Street Hartford, CT
- 1:15 – 1:45 PM: Peaceably Assemble and vigil at Old State House Square; deliver letter to Senator Blumenthal demanding closure of Guantánamo
The Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases calls upon peace activists in the U.S. and around the world to organize actions, of whatever size and nature, on or around February 23rd, 2018, to protest the continuing occupation of Guantánamo in Cuba by the United States military. February 23rd, 2018 is the 115th Anniversary of the seizure of Guantánamo from the Cuban people. The United States forced the Cuban Constitutional Congress to cede the Bay of Guantánamo to United States control. With the success of the Cuban Revolution, the Cuban Government has insisted on the abrogation of the one-sided Treaty. The United States has refused, leaning on the original terms that BOTH countries must agree on the termination of the Treaty. Since 1959, Cuba has not recognized the imposed treaty and has refused to cash the United States’ annual check for $4,085.00 in payment.
The United States has now turned Guantánamo into a torture chamber, a prison where the prisoners do not have any legal protections or rights, a shameful disrespect by the United States of human rights and International Law.
Based on the Resolution unanimously adopted at the Conference Against U.S. Military Bases we demand that the United States Government promptly withdraw all its forces and personnel from Guantánamo Bay and immediately declare ALL agreements ceding control of Guantánamo Bay to the United States to be null and void.
Video – All Guantánamo is Ours
All Guantanamo is Ours, a 37 minute film with English subtitles, shows the perspective and sentiment of the Cuban people, in particular those living in the towns around Guantanamo, about the illegal occupation of the U.S. Naval Base. The film is unique in revealing what the occupation looked like before and after the revolution. The protagonists in this documentary are the people living there who with their voices denounce this injustice convinced that one day that territory will be returned to Cuba.
In an interview, Josefina Vidal, Ministry of Foreign Relations General Director for the United States explained the significance of Guantanamo. “The occupation of the Naval Base is illegal and it is occupied against the will of the government and the people of Cuba who since 1959 have been demanding its return. That is why until Cuba can recuperate Guantanamo’s total sovereignty and control we will not be able to say that there are normal relations between Cuba and the United States.”
This documentary by filmmaker and journalist Hernando Calvo Ospina has been produced by Resumen Latinoamericano and the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity.
- Greater New Haven Peace Council
- Greater Hartford Cuba Coalition
- Connecticut Coalition for Peace and Solidarity
- Hope Out Loud
- Hartford Catholic Worker
- Veterans for Peace – CT
- Greater Hartford Coalition on Cuba
For a flyer, click => here
If you can’t attend the rally, contact your members of Congress and ask that “Guantanamo be closed and returned to Cuba.”
- Contact information for the Connecticut congressional delegation can be seen => here
- The general Congressional switchboard number is 202-224-3121.
For more information:
- Contact: Steve 860-759-3699; SKrevisky@mxcc.commnet.edu
No Foreign Bases: Challenging the Footprint of US Empire – Closing Guantanamo
The United States cannot be a moral or ethical country until it faces up to the realities of US empire and the destruction it causes around the world. The US undermines governments (including democracies), kills millions of people, causes mass migrations of people fleeing their homes, communities and countries and produces vast environmental damage.
A new coalition, The Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, held its inaugural event January 12-14, 2018 at the University of Baltimore in Maryland. The meeting was framed by a Unity Statement that brought together numerous peace and justice organizations. The basis for unity was:
“U.S. foreign military bases are the principal instruments of imperial global domination and environmental damage through wars of aggression and occupation, and that the closure of U.S. foreign military bases is one of the first necessary steps toward a just, peaceful and sustainable world.”
A map of numerous United States bases was developed by The Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University
At the conference, a resolution was adopted and a call was issued to close the base at Guantánamo.
Call To Global Action Against Illegal U.S. Occupation Of Guantánamo
Dear Advocates of Peace, Justice and Peoples’ Sovereignty:
The Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases calls upon peace activists in the U.S. and around the world to organize actions, of whatever size and nature, on or around February 23rd, 2018, to protest the continuing occupation of Guantánamo in Cuba by the United States military.
February 23rd, 2018 is the 115th Anniversary of the seizure of Guantánamo from the Cuban people as a result of the provoked Spanish-American War. The United States forced the Cuban Constitutional Congress to cede the Bay of Guantánamo to United States control.
With the success of the Cuban Revolution, the Cuban Government has insisted on the abrogation of the Treaty. The United States has refused, leaning on the original terms that BOTH countries must agree on the termination of the Treaty. Since 1959, Cuba has not recognized the imposed treaty and has refused to cash the United States’ annual check for $4,085.00 in payment.
The United States has now turned Guantánamo into a torture chamber, a prison where the prisoners do not have any legal protections or rights, a shameful disrespect by the United States of human rights and international law.
Based on the Resolution unanimously adopted at our Conference Against U.S. Military Bases (full text of the Resolution follows), we call upon on our Brothers and Sisters around the world to organize actions against U.S. illegal occupation of Guantánamo and demand that the United States Government promptly withdraw all its forces and personnel from Guantánamo Bay and immediately declare ALL agreements ceding control of Guantánamo Bay to the United States to be null and void.
Please send us the information about your planned events so we can publicize them for you on our web site.
Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases
January 26, 2018
Full text of the resolution: Resolution On Global Day Of Actions Against Guantanamo
WHEREAS, February 23, 2018 is the 115th Anniversary of the seizure of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by the United States to create a foreign Military Base, a result of the U.S. provoked Spanish-American War, and further
WHEREAS, the United States used its military power to force the Cuban Constitutional Convention to accept the seizure in its Constitution, and further
WHEREAS, upon the success of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 Cuba demanded the repudiation of the Treaty, ceased cashing the annual U.S. Payment of $4,085 and called for the complete sovereignty of the Bay by the Cuban Government, and further
WHEREAS, the United States has refused to return Guantanamo Bay to the Cuban people, citing the forcibly imposed Clause in the Treaty that BOTH parties must agree to the cancellation of the Treaty, and further
WHEREAS, U.S. occupation of Guantanamo Bay provides United States military dominance in the Caribbean and South America and is a threat to the independence and sovereignty of the peoples in that vast area, and further
WHEREAS, under U.S. control, Guantanamo Bay has become a center of torture and abrogation of human rights, violations of elementary U.S. and international standards that are condemned by the civilized world,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Bases unanimously calls upon the global peace movement to organize, on or around February 23, 2018, Actions
For a flyer, click => here
Local contacts for a tentative Friday afternoon, February 23, 2018 event in Hartford
- Hartford: Alex Koskinas, koskinasa175@gmail.com
- New Haven: Henry Lowendorf, grnhpeacecouncil2@gmail.com
- Middletown: Stephen Krevisky, SKrevisky@mxcc.commnet.edu
Organizing for Peace &
Resisting the Politics of Fear:
A Call to Action
Article in The Chronicle, MxCC Holds Peace & Justice Conference, by Dortha Cool Willetts
We have the money to create good jobs, pay for health care and education, clean the environment and pursue a life of liberty and happiness
Half-day Conference for jobs, peace, healthcare and education, social justice, economic equity and environmental sustainability.
Saturday, November 18th (11 to 4 pm, lunch provided)
Chapman Hall Room 808
Middlesex Community College
100 Training Hill Road, Middletown, CT
Featured Speakers:
- Bruce Gagnon, Secretary/Coordinator Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space; 2006 recipient of the Dr. Benjamin Spock Peacemaker Award; Vietnam-era veteran.
- Bill Curry, former head of nuclear Freeze Voter;candidate for Governor of CT; Presidential advisor
- Rev. Henry Brown & Henrietta Beckman, Mothers United Against Violence, Hartford
For a flyer, click => here
Visit the event on Facebook: Organizing For Peace & Resisting the Politics of Fear
New priorities are needed now:
- Attacks on Medicaid, Food Stamps and other programs for America’s most vulnerable
- Libraries closing in Hartford
- Devastating changes to environmental protections in the face of severe environmental events
- Localities faced with cuts education support and even bankruptcy
- Unfunded deteriorating infrastructure
- The return to ‘Law and Order’ mentality while militarizing law enforcement rather than improving the relationship of the police to their communities
- All these while increasing the huge amount of our resources to a war machine that long ago stopped serving national issues

60 Percent of Discretionary Spending is Military and Veterans
Visit the event on Facebook: Organizing For Peace & Resisting the Politics of Fear
Sponsored by:
- Hope Out Loud
- Connecticut Coalition for Peace and Justice (CCPJ)
- No Nukes – No War
- Greater New Haven Peace Council
- Congress of CT Community Colleges (4C’s/SEIU)
- Good Morning
For more information: contact – skrevisky@mxcc.commnet.edu
Town / City level Resolutions putting human needs before military expenditures
US Peace Council Initiative: Click to see the Resolution
US Peace Council-National People’s Campaign: to download, click => here
Peace Commission Resolution 2017 PASSED BY ALDERS Calling for Hearing on Funding Human Services in New Haven: to download, click => here
Model Resolution for US cities: to download, click => here
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2017 Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
Hiroshima / Nagasaki Remembrance
A Call to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
6:00 – 9:00 PM, Sunday, August 6th
Unitarian Society of Hartford
50 Bloomfield Avenue, Hartford, CT 06105
Door open at 6:00 pm Potluck begins at 6 pm — please bring food to share Program of music, speakers & poetry begins at 6:30 pm Candle-lighting Ceremony at 8 pm (this will be outdoors, as weather permits) |
Sponsored by:
CT Coalition for Peace and Justice
Hope Out Loud
No Nukes/No War
Unitarian Society of Hartford
United Nations Association of Connecticut
For more information, click => here
For a flyer for Hartford, click => here
Visit us on => Facebook
For more information:
(860) 561-1897
Vigils in New Haven for Nuclear Abolition
2017 New Haven Remembrance NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARE INHUMANE. 2017 Vigils Silent Vigil for Hiroshima • Silent Vigil for Nagasaki For More Info: Web Site: Greater New Haven Peace Council or Greater New Haven Peace Council For a flyer, click => here |
Town / City level Resolutions putting human needs before military expenditures
US Peace Council-National People’s Campaign: to download, click => here
Peace Commission Resolution 2017 PASSED BY ALDERS Calling for Hearing on Funding Human Services in New Haven: to download, click => here
Model Resolution for US cities: to download, click => here
Connecticut (Updated through Fiscal Year 2017) |